US West Coast treasure crab season is delayed again, supply is scarce and prices are rising.

This Christmas, what is the most desirable gift for the treasure crabs in the west coast of the United States? The answer is no doubt that Santa Claus sends more treasure crabs.
In the middle of Oregon, the meat content of rare crab in central Oregon is the lowest to reach the commercial fishing. In December 14th, the result showed that the crab meat content in Washington state was restored to 21.8%, Oregon was restored to 22%, and the maximum to 23%. For this result, the shellfish management personnel in three states had a new capture of the treasure crab. The date of the fishing season has been postponed.

The next test was conducted in December 22nd. The test showed that the fishing season would be postponed to January 15th next year. In recent test results, although Washington has reached the lowest meat standard in the crab, the three weeks of agreement will be stipulated to ensure the quality of the crab while the other two states are far from the meat. The waters that failed to meet the minimum standards for crab meat have delayed fishing until January 15, 2018, and it is not yet clear how large the affected areas are.
According to the head of the fish and wildlife department in Washington, the fishing is delayed by fishermen and dealers who have missed a lucrative holiday sales period, currently in parts of the three states.

The shortage of rare crab supplies has led some dealers to start raising crabs on New Year's day. Since the fishing season is delayed, crab processing plants in California, Oregon and Washington three are closed, and the shortage of raw materials has led to soaring prices for the current treasure crabs. In the past, the normal price of the treasure crab was 5.99-6.99 USD / lb, and now its price has risen to 7.99-10 USD / lb. Some suppliers at the beginning of last week, the price was still 8.5 dollars / pound, the next day it rose to 10 dollars / pound.
In addition to the lower crab meat content, the results showed that the Oregon and California sea treasure crabs contain domoic acid positive.

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